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WIND: "3 OUT OF 4 LASERS ISN'T BAD!" June 27th Race Report

It was quite windy, and not in a steady sort of way either in speed or direction.  It never is at Grandview. The devilish winds capsized 3 of the 4 Lasers.  A couple of them multiple times.  Only John Gall finished unscathed. And two of our Laser sailors were rigged, but chose not to sail based on their astute assessment of the odds of capsize as they watched the sailboats already out on the water. 


Start of Race from Committee Boat

Shortly after start.  No capsizes yet.

For some reason as time goes on at Grandview, righting a capsized boat seems to get more and more difficult.  Huh, wonder why that is?  We were glad to see Tom Cartwright out for the first time this year in the tall-masted Thistle with his nephew Bill Laughlin.  None of the multi-sailed vessels capsized fortunately.

Thank you to Steve and Gretchen Fisher, Beth Auld and Bernice Rains, our experienced Committee Boat volunteers who did a fine job.  Thanks also to Jim and Mimi Riffle in the safety boat. And to John and Rachel Gall for setting up a great long course for a high-wind day. We appreciate the way these races are conducted like a well-oiled machine by Kevin Preuss and Beth Auld our Race Chair and Committee Boat Chair respectively.  

Sometime in the near future there will have a separate post on our very different sort of annual sock burning (and this year masks also).

Race Report:


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