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 The winningest sailor in Grandview Lake’s history, Jim Voelz (yes that's him in the Starboard Column -> with yet another Season Champion Trophy), will be conducting a sailing seminar for novice and experienced sailors.  Non-sailor volunteers will also find this seminar helpful and are welcome as always.  Topics covered will be basic sailing techniques as well as racing procedures, rules and tactics. Masks will be required of all attendees except presenters who have been vaccinated.  Please RSVP by phoning 317-873-1637 and leaving name(s) so there will be enough copies of the materials for everyone who attends.


Sailing, and sailing races are great for developing skills such as:

·         Adaptation to circumstances beyond one’s control.

·         “Situational awareness” of many factors that are constantly and simultaneously changing.

·         Strategic thinking about how to attain your objective given various constraints.

·         Discipline in various areas, such as rigging the boat you depend on, getting to the starting line on time, and with enough time to scope out the course, etc.

·         Knowing and adhering to rules and knowing how to make them work to your advantage.

·         A competitive spirit, sportsmanship, and camaraderie.

·         Realistic assessment of skill vs. good or bad fortune.

·         Teamwork when there is a captain and a crew.

·         Relationships here at Grandview Lake

All while enjoying time out on the water in a boat! 



In the first race of the season, Grandview sailors were reminded not to count on anything from the wind.  It was on again/off again and the longest section of the course heading due west had winds that shifted from W/NW to W/SW quickly, making it difficult to establish the proper tack and required quick maneuvers, sometimes at the congested start/finish line.   

Start of Race. "Committee Boat on the Left Port Side of Photo. Perhaps some first-race jitters led to such a well-spaced start. As the season goes on you should see the boats practically on top of each other at the start. 

We are thankful to our Committee Boat volunteers Bernice Rains, Jim Riffle and Margaret Powers for a superb job of officiating – no winter cobwebs to dust off there.  Some sailors on the other hand were still getting their sea legs.

None of the sailors (except the one in front) are satisfied with their position in this photo. But it makes for a nice scene for those viewing from afar.


Thanks also to the Voelz family for setting up the course, Race Chairman Kevin Preuss for coordinating the race and communications and Beth Auld for organizing Committee Boat volunteers.

Matt Bartlett won the “Memorial Day Trophy Race”.  He also became eligible for another trophy for later in the season, stay tuned. Complete race results are below.   

We gathered for our first “protest meeting” of the year at Arlene Truex’s (Thanks Arlene!).  Those present agreed that we should go back to having a “pitch in” of snacks etc. to share at protest meetings for the season, so we are back to normal.   And at the next protest meeting on June 6th, we will have our post-winter, post lockdown mask and sock burning ceremony.  Those who feel led are encouraged to compose a poem to read while bidding adieu to their old smelly socks and now-unhygienic masks.


Finish order for scoring purposes within the boat's class is in blue column.

Overall handicapped finished order is in yellow column