Thanks! We couldn't have sailed without the officiating of our experienced Committee Boat/Safety Boat volunteer team of Beth Auld, Cindy Bartlett, Bob Orben (welcome back Beth Cindy and Bob, and exceptional anchoring Bob), Margaret Powers and Jim Riffle. John Auld set up the course - a good one. And our race coordination machinery managed by Race and Committee Boat chairpersons Kevin Preuss and Beth Auld respectively is geared up and well oiled. Thanks everyone!
Special Recognition goes to John Auld and Paul Hass, who came to the rescue of Dianne Fisher after a capsize that required a little extra muscle and weight to right her Laser. They sacrificed a better race score to take the time to help out. John and Paul have come to the rescue of many a sailor needing help righting their boats over the years. It is difficult in a two-sailor boat like their Y-Flyer to have the crew out of the boat helping someone while the captain single-handedly keeps the Y-Flyer under control. John is getting good at it. Thank you gentlemen!
Sock and Mask Burning and related Poetry Postponed: Arlene Truex was gracious having those not put off by the rain to gather inside her home rather than on the patio for the protest meeting. Thank you Arlene! We decided to postpone the ritual sock burning and the once-in-a-lifetime (right?) mask burning until after the next race on June 27th. More time to work on your poetry!
Race Results:
In the Laser Class in both races Jim Voelz finished 1st and Matt Bartlett 2nd.
In the International Class Catey & Elizabeth hale finished 1st in both races. John Auld/Paul Hass finished 2nd in the first race and sacrificed all but 3rd place in the second race to do "Good Samaritan" work as mentioned earlier. Tom Schroeder and Gary Kotterman came in 2nd in the second race.
On an overall handicapped basis Jim Voelz and Matt Bartlett were 1st and 2nd respectively in the first race. Jim Voelz took 1st place and Catey & Elizabeth Hale took 2nd in the second race.
Complete race results are below.
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