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2018 Sailing Season AWARDS

This post about the season's sailing awards accompanies the 2018 season highlights post that proceeds it.

The early fall nasty weather foiled our ability to enjoy our usual outdoor lakeside venue on Arlene Truex’s patio.  So we held our awards event indoors at Tom and Julia Schroeder’s place.
A light moment in the back row.  We can see you over there Laura!
We thanked our  Committee Boat volunteers, event hosts, good Samaritans, and others.  Our esteemed volunteers are listed in the Port (Left) Column.

Tom passes out gifts to volunteers.  Committee Boat chairperson Beth Auld picked out some nice beverage mugs with a sailing theme.
The sailing awards section began with the "special awards" anticipated with amusement by those on the couch below

The "Ghost Sailor award is presented to the sailor(s) who honestly, no kidding, not just saying this, really WANTED to be out there sailing with us, but one thing or another that couldn't be helped kept them away from the race course.  
But they were there in "spirit".  Really! No fooling!
Here a pillow case has been draped over the big "Ghost Sailor" award so that no one could see the engraved name of the winner before it is presented.
Champion sailors Jim and Peggy Voelz were unable to sail with us for most of the season and were very much missed all year long.  So there was really no question regarding who would win the award this year.

With the pillow case removed the large and gaudy "Ghost Sailor" award with little plaques of all the past winners attached is displayed by 2018 winners Jim and Peggy Voelz with a little help from Tom (its heavy).
The "Booby Prize" is awarded to a sailor involved in a mishap of some kind - the most unusual, humorous (in retrospect), or grand mayhem of the year. This year it was awarded to Sherri Agnew.  Sherri, who was minding her own business out on the race course suddenly found that the mast from a capsized Y-Flyer landed on her tiller keeping her boat from moving - she was trapped and could not proceed with the race.  We could have awarded the prize to the captain and crew of the capsized Y-Flyer,  John Auld and Paul Hass.  We chose not to for two reasons 1) They had won it twice before in recent years, so that would be redundant, and 2) We could not resist awarding the "attractive" chamber pot trophy to a Sherri, an interior designer,  to see how she might dress it up and display it (though we have an inkling it might not make it out of her garage).
The legendary and attractive chamber pot trophy, now serving as the "Booby Prize",  with a photo of the award winning incident
Then the serious race trophies and awards, won based on points were awarded by Race Chairman Kevin Preuss.

"Trophy Race" trophies were awarded, one for each of the "holiday weekend" races according to tradition (times have changed though, so we avoid having those races on the actual holiday weekends).

Jim Voelz won the Memorial Day Trophy Race.  The trophy is now a "double-decker" monument to history because of the age of the club and the number of past winners.
Jim Voelz, left, is presented with the Memorial Day Race trophy by our Race Chairman, Kevin Preuss.  You will be seeing a lot of Kevin as he presents winners with their spoils.

Matt Bartlett won the July 4th race trophy:
Matt Bartlett receives July 4th Trophy.  You are about to see a lot more of Matt also (he had a great season)!
The Labor Day Trophy was won by Laura Garrett:

The stained glass Labor Day trophy was given to the club by Wayne and Arlene Truex. The stand and an engraved plaque was given to the club last year in memory of Wayne by his brothers. 

Then the 1st 2nd and 3rd place trophies and medals for the 3 classes of competition were awarded (Lasers, International, and Crew)

Lets start with the Laser Class:
Matt Barlett (remember him?)  won 1st place in the Laser class

See that 1st place trophy Matt is holding?  Beth Auld painted it.  She has been finding and/or creating our 1st place (and other) sailing awards.  Always something new different and cool!  Nice job Beth!
Laura Garrett (yes, her again!)  won 2nd in the Laser class

Kevin Preuss, our Race Chairman, won 3rd in the Laser class. 

On to the International Class:

John Auld shown below with his able-bodied crew, Paul Hass, won first place in the International Class (they were in a better climate than we were at the time of the awards event).

John (left), Paul (right).  "Paul won a crew award, see Crew Class" below

Tom Schroeder won 2nd in the International class

Ben Cartwright won third in the International Class.
That's Ben hiked out on the right, with Dad, Tom on left.  Tom won a crew award - see "Crew Class" below.
For those sailboats with both a mainsail and a jib, the crew handles the jib and other gear.  A skilled crew makes a huge difference in winning races.  So much so that we have a "Crew Class".    The Crew gets the same number of points as the captain he/she is crewing for in each race.

So, for our Crew Class:

Phil Bush won first place and also "Rookie of the Year".   This was the first year he ever set foot in a sailboat.  After one race he was hooked and sailed enthusiastically all season, crewing for Tom Schroeder and also for John Auld. 

Phil's 1st place/Rookie of the Year trophy is a framed photo of his first race (photo is below)

That's Phil front right (notice how well he has trimmed the jib).

Paul Hass won 2nd place in the crew class crewing for John Auld (see photo in International Class above)

Tom Cartwright won 3rd place in the crew class crewing for son Ben (see photo in International Class above).

and Finally,

Matt accumulated nearly one-third more points than the next-closest competitor!

We are expecting another great season in 2019.  Come sail with us!

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