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2018 Season HIGHLIGHTS

This post is a brief summary of our 2018 season.  It accompanies the 2018 sailing awards post that follows, and the “photo version” of the 2018 Season at the top of the Starboard Column (smartphone users will have to click on the "view web version" to see the full blog with port and starboard columns).

Our 57th season featured very favorable winds for nearly every race, which was a real pleasure.
This race featured two torrential rain squalls with accompanying strong winds (no thunder or lightning).  No one capsized and sailors reported really enjoying the challenge.
Like this one, we had plenty of well-timed, near-simultaneous starts.
There were crafty maneuvers and strategies, and several protests settled on the water with the offenders taking their penalty 360-degree turns.  All protests were settled on the water. None reached the protest meeting.

Several minor mishaps (above) provided opportunities for “Good-Samaritans” to help in recoveries
Like this one, we also had lots of very close finishes
One surprising finish was "won by a hare"
We bid a fond adieu to the Jennings family and their fine sailors,  Tom and Andy,  pictured above, who we will miss.
And a "couple" of our best sailors were on injured-reserve for most of the season, but we look forward to their return in 2019.
43 different individuals participated in our races as either captain, crew or volunteer.
27 sailors raced, and we welcomed 2 new sailors, Phil Bush and Jeff Cartwright

 17 committee boat volunteers, helped out, many of whom served multiple times.  And we welcomed a new volunteer, Margaret Powers. 

Here is the best way to run a Committee Boat:

Step 1: Start the race by blowing the horn
Step 2:  Enjoy a gourmet lunch while you watch the race from the best vantage point on the lake
Step 3: Watch the finish line and record the elapsed time for each finisher.  On a day with good winds you may have to wait to have dessert during the 2nd race.

Our 2018 roster of sailors and  wonderful volunteers are listed in the  “Port” (left) column.
We averaged 8 boats per race with a high of 11 boats and a low of 4.
We averaged 11 sailors per race and 6 committee boat volunteers per race So on an average race day we had 17 people participating.  That is 1 more than last year in each of the categories mentioned.  
Our overall champion was Matt Bartlett (above left).    Matt had plenty of racing experience prior to he and Cindy moving to Grandview Lake several years ago.  Matt also won 1st place in the Laser Class and won the July 4th "Trophy Race"
John Auld shown above with crew Paul Hass won 1st place in the International Class
Phil Bush pictured above (amidships) won 1st place crew and “Rookie of the Year". (The post that follows this one has photos of all those who won awards and some of the fun we had at the final protest meeting of the year.)

The Yacht Club also plays a role in the greater community at Grandview.  We again sponsored the Holiday Breakfasts,  post-race “protest meetings” and Spring Social.

Our hosts make it all happen though.  This year we are grateful to
Donna Mount – Spring Social
Steve and Marisa Willment (again this year!) – Memorial Day Breakfast
Arlene Truex– July 4th Breakfast
John & Gwen Cord and Bill & Nan Russell - Labor Day Breakfast

By the way, Please consider hosting any of the 2019 breakfasts as we are still in need of volunteers.    Thanks to Margaret Powers for volunteering to host the 2019 Spring Social!
Max Henry organized the paddleboard and kayak race again this year.  This time at the Labor Day Breakfast. Matt Bartlett was the first paddleboard and Jason Carroll was the first kayak to finish.

Arlene Truex hosted us for all of our protest meetings and our second annual "sock burning" (above)  Thanks Arlene!

There are more photos and comments and stories in the Starboard Column-->
(and yes some duplicate photos).

The 2018 sailing award winners are recognized in the next post.

Thanks to Beth Auld, our Committee Boat Chairperson, Lisa Duret, our Secretary/Treasurer, and Kevin Preuss, our Race Chairman. And thanks to the 50 families that are members of the Yacht Club.

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