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Long Lasting Photo Op (missed?). September 24th Race Report

Warm temperatures and fickle on again, off again winds are a bad combination.  But despite some long periods of limp sails, we had enough “on-again” periods of wind for two decent races, a good turnout of nine sailboats (including John Gall back for a visit from the Wilder West) and a great turnout of five Committee Boat volunteers.  

Thanks to Committee Boat volunteers Jim and Mimi Riffle, Lisa Duret, Cindy Bartlett, her visiting Dad Norm, and to Kevin Preuss for setting up the race course.

The start of the first race was a real yawner.  Nice to see nine boats all lined up right next to each other.  Would have made for a great photo, and there would have been plenty of time to snap it too.  For nearly ten minutes with no wind they just sat there.  Banter among sailors was the highlight.  And the Committee Boat reminded one sailor that sculling, like ooching, is not allowed. Then finally, slowly, a breeze got some forward motion going and lasted to the first mark.  Then it was “on again” in decent fashion and off again.  Late September winds are usually better than that, but at least the lake was fairly quiet. The second race was better wind-wise.   That’s sailboat racing though, you deal with the conditions you are dealt, and different techniques and strategies apply to that kind of wind.  If you snooze you lose when a light breeze you weren’t ready for catches you unprepared. 

Six Lasers set sail.  In the first race Jim Voelz, GYC Republic cover girl Laura Garrett, and Matt Bartlett took first, second and third respectively.  In the second race it was Jim Voelz, Dianne Fisher and Laura Garrett.

The International Class was a bit underrepresented in this race.  Peggy Voelz, Sherri Agnew and Tom and Ben Cartwright finished in that order on a handicapped basis.  In the second race it was Ben and Tom Cartwright, Sherri Agnew and Peggy Voelz.

Had we handicapped all the boats, the finish order in the first race would be Jim Voelz, Peggy Voelz and Laura Garrett, keeping it all in the family.  In the second race it was Jim Voelz, Ben and Tom Cartwright and Sherri Agnew.

Thanks to Arlene Truex for hosting an enjoyable protest meeting.
Complete Race Results are as follows:

Laser Class:  Jim Voelz 1st, Laura Garret 2nd, Matt Bartlett 3rd, Dianne Fisher 4th, John Gall 5th , Kevin Preuss 6th.
International Class:  Peggy Voelz 1st, Sherri Agnew 2nd, Tom Cartwright/Ben Cartwright 3rd.
Overall results on handicapped basis (not for scoring purposes):  Jim Voelz 1st, Peggy Voelz 2nd, Laura Garrett 3rd, Matt Bartlett 4th, Sherri Agnew 5th, Dianne Fisher 6th, John Gall 7th, Tom Cartwright/Ben Cartwright 8th, Kevin Preuss 9th.  

Laser Class:  Jim Voelz 1st, Dianne Fisher 2nd, Laura Garrett 3rd, Kevin Preuss 4th, Matt Bartlett 5th, John Gall 6th.
International Class:  Ben Cartwright/Tom Cartwright 1st, Sherri Agnew 2nd, Peggy Voelz 3rd.  
Overall results on handicapped basis (not for scoring purposes):  Jim Voelz 1st, Ben Cartwright/Tom Cartwright 2nd, Sherri Agnew 3rd, Peggy Voelz 4th, Dianne Fisher 5th, Laura Garrett 6th, Kevin Preuss 7th, Matt Bartlett 8th, John Gall 9th.

Our next and final race is Sunday October 1st at 2pm, followed by season awards at the final protest meeting at 4pm.

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