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GLOA Labors recognized at Labor Day Breakfast for all at the Zellers’

Wonderful Setting and Weather
Early-birds get the morning started at the Zellers'

Lot owners and their families and guests gathered at Steve and Vicki Zeller’s lakefront and enjoyed catching up with one and other, the expansive view of the lake and the morning sunshine.
Labors of the GLOA board and committee members recognized
Frank Reindl (foreground right) recognizes Brad Arthur (foreground left) for nine years of leadership on the GLOA board.

Labor Day seemed an appropriate time to take a moment to appreciate the labors of our GLOA board members, Sewer board members, those who volunteer on the various committees, Beth Ann Dismore, Administrative Assistant, and David Warble, Lake Manager.  So we did!  And Brad Arthur was specifically recognized for his nine years of leadership on the board by board representative Frank Reindl.  Brad in turn thanked his fellow board members past and present for their fine work during that significant period of time in the lake’s history.

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