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The Developmental Benefits of Racing Sailboats


Why Sailing?

Sailing, and sailing races are great for developing skills such as:

  • How to adapt to changing circumstances beyond one’s control.
  • Strategic thinking about how to attain your objective given various constraints.
  •  “Situational awareness” of many factors that are constantly and simultaneously changing.
  • Discipline in various areas, such as rigging the boat you depend on, getting to the starting line on time, and with enough time to scope out the course, etc.
  • Knowing and adhering to rules and knowing how to make them work to your advantage.
  • A competitive spirit, sportsmanship, and camaraderie.
  • Realistic assessment of the impact of skill vs. good or bad fortune.
  • Teamwork when there is a captain and a crew.
  • Relationships here at Grandview Lake

All while enjoying time out on the water in a boat!  

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