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A large turnout of lot owners, their families and guests attended the Labor Day Breakfast hosted by Robb Bonebrake and Chris Braun.  Thanks Robb and Chris!

Ready ! Quite a display of donuts etc. There was coffee, juice (and other beverages) as well

But first you need a name tag.  Thanks Lisa for welcoming everyone and taking/renewing Yacht Club memberships for those interested

A string of lot owners in kayaks (all the way to the upper right of the photo) arrived.

Soon the place was abuzz

This was a great idea! Thanks for bringing me!

"Moose" the dog was a hit

Beth took a lot of T-shirt orders

Time for announcements!

After thanking Robb and Chris for hosting, we recognized those who LABOR on behalf of lot owners: past and present board members, committee members, club volunteers, and Beth Ann and Todd, A request for hosts for 2023 events was made. Stepping forward, Lenny and Jodi Verebay volunteered to host the Memorial Day Breakfast, and John and Laura Ludwig volunteered to host the Labor Day Breakfast. Thanks in advance!   

All we need now is a volunteer to host the May Spring Social which is a pitch-in of appetizers.  Please contact Tom Schroeder at 317-873-1637 if you would like to volunteer or have questions.

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