This was a trophy race, and the last race of the season. The wind was about as good as you would hope for without being a bit too much. Few if any dead spots, some gusts had sailors fully hiked out from time to time, and we had the usual Grandview wind shifts, but there were no capsizes. We were glad to have Lance and Bianca Snyder join us, and they are now out of contention for the "ghost sailor" award for 2022.
Thank you to Bob Orben and Phil Bush for doing a flawless job of officiating, and for bringing in the race markers after the race. They even nailed anchoring the Committee Boat next to the yellow flag. Catey Hale set up a race that was good for the prevailing wind with an assist from Tom Schroeder. Committee Boat Chair Beth Auld made sure we had volunteers on a weekend that was busy for many of our volunteers, and Race Chair Kevin Preuss kept the sailors coordinated.
All sailors and volunteers past and present:
Please join us for the Yacht Club's 2022 Season Sailing Awards Gathering.
Sunday September 25 at 3 pm on Arlene Truex’s patio.
Food/beverage arrangements will be the same as our other protest parties this year, that is - B.Y.O. beverage and a light snack to share. In the event of rain, the party will move to Tom & Julia Schroeder's pavilion or house depending on the weather. Not mandatory, but for set up purposes, please let us know if you think you’ll be attending or not via an email or voice mail to Race Chairman Kevin Preuss. Sailors and volunteers have the contact information.
Sept 17th race day results are as follows: