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It's not easy to transfer the Booby Prize trophy since recipients are less than enthusiastic about displaying it despite its historic significance.   Back in October co-Booby Prize winner Matt Bartlett made a calculated early exit from the awards event, leaving the trophy behind for co-winner Tom Schroeder to take.   In our blog post about the event we suggested readers inquire regularly about the location and well being of the beloved historic trophy.  With little else to occupy your mind while "staying at home", you may have wondered about this.  So here is an update to put your mind at ease.  For now.

The prize is now in Matt's possession. Here is how it went down:

The chamber pot bowl was filled with a bunch of Bartlett (get it?) pears wrapped in green tissue paper, Harry & David Style.

The packing carefully kept the chamber pot and wooden base hidden from view.

A Harry & David  box was used.  A UPS label, complete with bar-code was mocked up. Don't worry the priceless trophy never left GYC care, custody and control.  It was hand-delivered to the Bartlett's residence by a GYC accomplice.  And it was timed to occur appropriately April 1st.

The ruse worked and here good sport Matt displays the prize. The Harry & David advertising card appropriately reads "Life is a gift.  Share more".

The story behind Matt and Tom winning the Booby Prize is in the 12/29/19 Post entitled

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