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Photos courtesy of Lisa Duret.
Twelve sailors recognized a good day for sailing and seized it.  “Ghost Sailors”-no-longer (but  in contention for this year’s award nevertheless), we welcomed Laura Garrett back to town, and Dianne Fisher joined us for her first race of the season.  We also welcomed visitor Dylan Wilson crewing for John Auld.    Winds were “good” as in “strong enough for a good race” and also “good” if you stay on your toes. 
Shortly after the start of the first race. Committee Boat is on left. The wind direction made starting strategies difficult.  Many tacked after getting across the starting line, but others didn't, so it appears to be an unorganized jumble of sails.

Our experienced Committee Boat volunteers ran a perfect couple of races.  Jack Miller did a yeoman’s job of anchoring in the deepest part of the lake near the dam – it was difficult.  Thanks to Jack and Sandi Miller and Margaret Powers for making the race possible.  Steve Willment set a good course for the wind, and Kevin Preuss organized the race.  Beth Auld has made sure we have had volunteers scheduled for each race.  Thanks all!

Prior to the first race, some of us spotted two bald eagles engaged in a mid-air duel for a recent catch which eventually fell from the sky to the water.  One eagle successfully dove to retrieve it.

The starting line was a difficult one considering the wind direction and a crowded field.  Always a bit shifty at Grandview, the winds were particularly devilish in their variable direction and strength for this race.  While hiked out counterbalancing the force of the wind, a sudden drop in the wind velocity could quickly put your tush in the drink.  And the change in direction from one moment to the next made that perfect line you thought would get you to the next mark suddenly become a loser.  There were many foibles forced by the wind or unforced due to slower than desired reflexes, brain-fade etc.  Some observed (or committed) examples:  Fouling another sailor, forgetting this was a marks-to-starboard not marks-to-port race, getting caught “in irons” just before the finish line, touching the mark, taking a gamble by starting the race on a port tack and hoping  to , but not successfully weaving through those with the right of way, and getting lines fouled up, etc.  A relaxing and forgiving sport this is.
Now well underway to the first mark: Skill favored the group of four boats out front that finished in 12-ish minutes.  The other five finished in 14-ish.

Matt Bartlett won the first race for the Laser Class and overall, beating Laura Garett by 5 seconds.  Laura hasn’t lost her edge, finishing 2nd in this race and 3rd in the next.   

Lance and Bianca Snider took first in the International Class, and were 0.001 of a handicapped-second behind Diane Fisher to come in 6th overall.

Jim Voelz handily won the second race in the Laser Class and overall, with Matt Bartlett again beating Laura Garrett by 5 seconds for second place in their class and overall.   

Tom Schroeder and Phil Bush took first place in the International Class in the second race, 5th overall on a handicapped basis.

The relaxing, perfect-weather protest meeting allowed us to catch up with Lance, Bianca, Dianne and Mark for the first time this season.  And we welcomed Dianne’s sailboat-racing-veteran mom, and her husband passing through on their way to cooler points north. Bianca spoiled us with fancy snack creations and others chipped in delicious items as well.  No need for dinner. Thanks Arlene for hosting us!

Race Results
First Race:
Laser Class: Matt Bartlett 1st, Laura Garrett 2nd, Jim Voelz 3rd, Kevin Preuss 4th, Dianne Fisher 5th, Steve Willment 6th,
International Class: Lance & Bianca Snider 1st, John Auld/Dylan Wilson 2nd, Tom Schroeder/Phil Bush 3rd
Overall on a handicapped basis:  Matt Bartlett 1st, Laura Garrett 2nd, Jim Voelz 3rd, Kevin Preuss 4th, Dianne Fisher 5th, Lance & Bianca Snider 6th, Steve Willment 7th, John Auld/Dylan Wilson 8th, Tom Schroeder/Phil Bush 9th

Second Race:
Laser Class: Jim Voelz 1st, Matt Bartlett 2nd, Laura Garrett 3rd, Kevin Preuss 4th, Dianne Fisher 5th, Steve Willment 6th,
International Class: Tom Schroeder/Phil Bush 1st, John Auld/Dylan Wilson 2nd, Lance & Bianca Snider 3rd
Overall on a handicapped basis:  Jim Voelz 1st, Matt Bartlett 2nd, Laura Garrett 3rd, Kevin Preuss 4th, Tom Schroeder/Phil Bush 5th, John Auld/Dylan Wilson 6th, Dianne Fisher 7th, Steve Willment 8th, Lance & Bianca Snider 9th

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