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The highlight of our race was having four new sailors and a new volunteer join us.  Our new sailors included three rookie crew, and an experienced captain.  We also had a long-time crew become a captain.   The race was a throw-back to earlier Grandview Yacht Club days when parents and their offspring sailed the same boat together.   A comeback of that tradition?  We hope so!   It was hot, but there was a decent wind and we had some close match-ups.  A fun and very well attended protest meeting at the Truexs' concluded a fine day of sailing.  An actual protest provided a learning point on the rules. Then we got back to socializing.

Like last week, despite having some of our regular sailors away traveling, eight sailboats showed up at the starting line.  Arlene Truex, who has crewed in GYC races for many years, showed up sailing solo in a Butterfly, finished her first race as captain, and finished 1st in the Butterfly class to much cheering and applause.  
To cheers and applause Arlene crosses the finish line for the first time solo!
The Tadd Family Sailors showed up in the wooden Thistle with Steve as Captain. Crewing for him for the first time in a GYC race were daughter Gracie and son Sam.  They also earned loud cheers and applause as they skillfully finished very far ahead of the rest of the fleet in the first race and a close second in the 2nd race (without handicap).  
Gracie, Sam, and Steve Tadd as they are first to speed through the finish line in the first race of the day.  Lots of cheering accompanied their victory.

Elizabeth Hale crewed for the first time in a GYC race for her Mom, Catey Hale in their newly reconditioned Y-Flyer whose lineage at Grandview is detailed in the "side note" of the 9/28/2014 blog post about the 2014 Season Finale Protest Meeting.     They finished first in the second race.   

Elizabeth and Catey Hale in the refurbished Y-Flyer with a long winning history at Grandview Lake
New to Grandview, but a veteran sailor, Dianne Fisher captained the Schroeder JY-15 in the 2nd race after crewing in the first race for Matt Bartlett, also an experienced sailor who we welcomed to GYC in last weekend’s race.  
It seems JY-15 owner Schroeder may be trying to amass points by turning the helm and crew position of his boat over to a variety of ringer sailors.  In this race he pushed the limits by putting two "ringers" on board and named the collective effort “Team 102” (102 being the lot number). We’ll see if that strategy stands up to a challenge on how points are awarded.  Taking this seriously? Always remember to read the fine print a the top of this column.  
Dianne Fisher and Matt Bartlett in the JY-15 carefully watching to make sure their sales are optimally trimmed.  And they are!
We also welcomed new GYC volunteer, but not new to sailing races, Cindy Bartlett, spouse of the above-mentioned Matt Bartlett.  Welcome to all our new sailors and volunteers!

Our thanks to Committee Boat volunteers Beth Auld, Cindy Bartlett, Lisa Duret and Steve Willment.  Lisa also helped husband Kevin Preuss set up the race course, which was a good one.  And Jim Riffle came out again as “safety boat”.  We are thankful to all of our volunteers!
Our Committe Boat Crew, from L to R, Steve Willment, Cindy Bartlett, Beth Auld and Lisa Duret

As mentioned earlier, the first race was absolutely dominated by the Tadd Family Sailors finishing about two minutes ahead of Tom Jennings followed (in non-handicapped order) by Catey& Elizabeth Hale, Kevin Preuss, Matt Bartlett/Dianne Fisher, John Auld/Paul Hass, Laura Garrett, and Arlene Truex.  Laura Garrett, previously a Butterfly sailor, raced her recently acquired Laser for the first time (lineage = owned previously by Brad Stinebring).  She had to race without a tiller extension, but did a fine job under the circumstances. See race results by class/handicap below. 
Start of the first race
The Tadds (in foreground) have already rounded the first marker flag (center). Tom Jennings approaches the first mark from the right, the Hales approach it from the left, and Kevin Preuss approaches from center
The second race featured a very close race all the way around the course between two family efforts: Catey & Elizabeth Hale in their Y-Flyer and Steve, Gracie & Sam Tadd in the wooden Thistle.

Boats tightly grouped at the starting horn for the 2nd race

The Hales beat the Tadds around the first mark but...

The Tadd's in the wooden Thistle beat the Hales around the 2nd mark and...

....the Tadd's also beat the Hales around the 3rd and last mark.  Now for the finish...

The Hales (left) were able to pull it out in the end and beat the Tadds (right)  to the finish line

There was also a very close race between Lasers captained by Tom Jennings and Kevin Preuss.
Preuss beats Jennings to 2nd mark

Preuss (left) and Jennings are passing the 3rd mark and are about to tack to the finish line.  Jennings was able to cross first, but not before....

...suddenly Fisher and Bartlett above in the JY-15 catch a windshift, find a more favorable line to the finish,  and beat both Jennings and Preuss.
See race results by class/handicap below.

The protest meeting was well attended and we had a chance to welcome our new sailors and volunteer, and to congratulate Arlene Truex on her first solo race.   We also quickly settled a protest by “Team 102” who claimed that Auld/Hass failed to yield when they yelled “starboard” (claiming right of way) at the start of the first race. As the matter was adjudicated it came to light that BOTH boats were on a starboard tack (that is why Auld/Hass did not yield).  It was also revealed during “testimony” that Team 102 was leeward (downwind) of Auld/Hass, so according to the rules, when on the same tack, when overlapped, the leeward boat (Team 102) has the right of way.  Since Auld/Hass did not execute a penalty 360 degree turn when they were notified of a protest, and lost the protest judgement, they were disqualified.
Thanks very much to Wayne and Arlene Truex for hosting the protest meeting on their beautiful patio.

Sailors needing a boat to sail:   Please note that the Riffle's M-Scow (it has both mainsail and jib) is available to qualified sailors.  He has recently brought it up to snuff, but needs a little help with one more item -just needs an extra set of hands to hold a part while he does the repair.  So contact Jim directly or Tom Schroeder (see contact box at top of port column).

The next race is Sunday June 26th at 2pm as usual.

In the last two races we had more crew available than captains needing crew.  So if you have a sailboat and want to race but need a crew, contact Tom Schroeder (see contact box at top of port column).  We have a "system" in place for matching up captains needing crew with crew needing a captain to crew for prior to each race.  You just need to be on our sailor e-mail list to participate.

We have experienced sailors that just need a boat to race.  If yours is available, perhaps you can "sponsor" your own racing team like "Team 102" mentioned above - just by lending your boat out for races.  And hop on the Committee Boat to join the fun and see how well your team does.  Then congratulate your winning team after the race at the protest meeting. Just contact  Tom Schroeder (see contact box at top of port column).

1st Race
Lasers:                 1st Tom Jennings, 2nd Kevin Preuss, 3rd Laura Garrett
International (on handicapped basis):   1st Steve Tadd/Gracie & Sam Tadd, 2nd Matt Bartlett/Dianne Fisher, 3rd Catey Hale/Elizabeth Hale

Overall on handicapped basis:  1st Tom Jennings, 2nd Steve, Gracie & Sam Tadd, 3rd Matt Bartlett/Dianne Fisher, 4th Kevin Preuss, 5th Catey & Elizabeth Hale, 6th Laura Garrett

(Auld/Hass & Truex DQ)

2nd Race:
Lasers:                 1st Tom Jennings, 2nd Kevin Preuss, 3rd Laura Garrett
Butterflies:         1st Arlene Truex
International (on handicapped basis):   1st Catey Hale/Elizabeth Hale, 2nd Dianne Fisher/Matt Bartlett, 3rd Steve Tadd/Gracie & Sam Tadd, 4th John Auld/Paul Hass

Overall on handicapped basis:  1st Catey Hale/Elizabeth Hale, 2nd Dianne Fisher/Matt Bartlett, 3rd Tom Jennings, 4th Kevin Preuss, 5th Steve, Gracie & Sam Tadd, 6th John Auld/Paul Hass, 7th Laura Garrett, 8th Arlene Truex

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