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In addition to Independence Day, there was a sub-theme of “Christmas in July” with inflatable Christmas lawn ornaments in every nook and cranny of the Hoyt lakefront, creating a lot of red and white to go with the blue water.  
Hoyt's place ready for a celebration
View of Hoyt's after the fireworks.  Tree is in blue.
It was also quite a scene all lit up the night after the fireworks display.   A Christmas tree was decorated with ornaments made at the ice cream social the day before.

Ruth and Harry in red, white and blue.  Ruth picks up on the Christmas sub-theme.
It was quite a big crowd. We even ran out of name tags.   We stopped, reflected, and cheered the reason for all the weekend’s celebrations:  In 1776, a brand new nation was conceived in liberty.  This nation declared that all men are created equal with God-given rights, that power ultimately resides in "we the people”, and that our government would be “of the people, by the people and for the people”.  Revolutionary!    Dan Hoyt made us aware of a charity called “No Greater Sacrifice” that he has become familiar with.  They honor the sacrifice of fallen service members by investing in their children’s capacity for greatness through education:

Lot owners made some interesting entrances, by kayak, by antique boat, and most noteworthy;  the group rowing the big swim raft with paddles and rakes, while  singing the Star Spangled Banner! 
Patriots arrive by sea at Hoyts via swim raft they paddled from across the lake

Bringing to mind General Washington and his troops rowing across the Delaware River, (below) they sang the Star Spangled Banner as they rowed with rakes, oars, and paddles. Look for brooms and shovels to be added next year!

After thanking the Hoyts for hosting breakfast and recognizing them, the Sanders and Marcums for hosting the ice cream social the    day before, and Beth Auld for overseeing the ornament decorating table at the social, we turned it over to Max Henry who directed the kayak race starting from under the row of checkered flags dockside.

The kayak race was exciting!
An energetic start to the kayak race.  Jack takes an early lead, but....
Steve cuts in on Jack and John at the first turn (around the pontoon boat manned by patriotic Jim Riffle)
Malachi pauses to pose
Gene gives it his all.
Corrine digs in hard with her paddle
Bea takes her turn paddling, giving Kristin a rest
John Gall (1st place) and brother Jackson Gall (2nd place) again dominated, but had a serious challenge by Steve Willment (3rd place).  Other racers were Malachi Henry (4th), Gene Zoellner (5th), Corrine Orben (6th), and Kristin and Bea Orben (7th).  Max Henry had prizes for the racers.  Thanks to Max for organizing and to Jim Riffle for assistance with the course. 

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