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Accompanying the list of trophy and award winners from the 2016 season are photos from our final "Protest Meeting" at Wayne and Arlene Truex's.  We made some special awards also.
First the light-hearted and special awards, then the racing awards:
This historically important ugly white chamber-pot is now awarded to those involved in a noteworthy mishap.
the 2016 winners are Catey Hale and her crew, Elizabeth Hale.  After an infraction, Catey and Elizabeth took the required 360 degree penalty turn in an unusual way - by capsizing and turning their boat completely over UNDER WATER (on a "vertical plane") instead of turning 360 degrees ON the water (on a "horizontal plane").  It took some of our Good Samaritans to help them recover. So we outfitted the Booby prize with a 360 degree protractor correctly positioned on the "horizontal plane" as shown.
Since Catey and Elizabeth were unable to be present to receive their award we emailed them some photos.  The first set of photos depicts the protractor on the wrong plane with participants indicating with facial and hand gestures that this is WRONG.

The second set of photos depicts the protractor on the correct plane with participants indicating with facial and hand gestures that this is CORRECT.
Hopefully they will remember this valuable lesson.

This ornate and heavy trophy is awarded to the sailor who was absent from the most races, but really truly, honest-to-Pete, WANTED to be there, and was there in "spirit". This year's winner was Riley Leonard
Tom (right) presents the trophy to Riley (seated in the chair in foreground).  Riley demonstrates what it takes to win the ghost sailor award.

 Jim Riffle was recognized as Sailor Emeritus of the Grandview Yacht Club.  This honorary title goes to those who have been "mainstays" (a nautical term by the way) of the GYC for many, many years.  During the time Jim has been part of the GYC, he served as Commodore, won the overall Grand Champion trophy, won each of the holiday trophies and won multiple 1st, 2nd and 3rd place awards.
Tom and Jim laugh about some of Jim's sailing misadventures
Mimi Riffle was recognized as Sailor Emeritus for her contributions and having been Jim's crew, contributing to the above-mentioned racing awards.  Importantly, she was ALSO recognized for her highly effective eight (!) years as Secretary Treasurer.  This was her final year in that role and will be succeeded by Lisa Duret .
Jim and Mimi with their GYC "Sailors Emeritus" Award
We also recognized our wonderful 2016 Committee Boat volunteers: Beth & John Auld, Cindy Bartlett, Marlene Brown, Ed Deeters, Lisa Duret, Kate Edelman,
Beth Auld: Committee Boat Chair
Gretchen & Steve Fisher, Harry Meshberger, Jack & Sandi Miller, Donna Mount, Bob Orben, Jim & Mimi Riffle & Arlene Truex, Steve Willment.

 And we recognized our "Good Samaritans" who came to the aid of wayward sailors who needed help righting their capsized boats, etc:  Paul Hass, Steve Willment, Steve & Allison Tadd, Jim Riffle, Clint Garrett, Harry Meshberger, and of course our Safety Patrol. 


Holiday Trophy Races
Memorial Day Trophy Race - Tom Schroeder (right)
By the way, in addition to Beth Auld in the previous picture, these are your other three GYC officers, from left to right Mimi Riffle, Kevin Preuss and Tom Schroeder.  We thanked all four of them for their fine work in 2016. 
Mimi and Kevin will be presenting the awards in the following pictures.....

July 4th Trophy Race:  Tom Jennings (not his hands - whose are they?)

Labor Day Trophy Race:  Jim Voelz (you'll be seeing more of him soon...)

Crew Awards
Crew - 1st Place: Paul Hass
Crew - 2nd Place:  Dianne Fisher
Crew - 3rd Place:  Elizabeth Hale (not pictured)
Laser Class

Laser Class - 1st Place: Jim Voelz

Laser Class - 2nd Place (tie): Laura Garrett
Laser Class - 2nd Place (tie) Tom Jennings (not pictured)

Butterfly Class
Butterfly Class - 1st Place: Peggy Voelz
Butterfly Class - 2nd Place: Sherri Agnew
Butterfly Class: 3rd Place: Arlene Truex
International Class
International Class - 1st Place: Tom Schroeder
International Class - 2nd Place: Matt Bartlett
International Class: 3rd Place: John Auld
Rookie of the Year

Rookie of the Year:  Matt Bartlett

(...but while new to Grandview, Matt is no "rookie"!)


Also of Interest:
It was a great year for the sailing members of the GYC.  We added a record number of new sailors and several new boats to our "fleet".  That is why you observed more boats at our races.  46 individuals participated as either sailors or volunteers.   We welcome new sailors and volunteers and will help you get started.  Contact Tom Schroeder if you are interested.


NEW SAILOR RECORD BROKEN: September 11th Race Report

(Photos Courtesy of Lisa Duret)
We’ve broken our previous record (for as far back as anyone can remember) by adding nine new resident-family sailors so far in 2016.  We welcomed Tom and Sarah Cartwright, who also added a new boat to the fleet, a handsome, fast (and handicapped accordingly) Thistle that Tom carefully restored.  
Introducing Tom & Sarah Cartwright and their Thistle

Dianne Fisher, also new to Grandview, added her recently acquired Laser to the GYC fleet and raced it for the first time.  We now have ten Lasers in the fleet along with eleven other sailboats. We enjoyed excellent temperatures and a nice crowd of eleven boats which helped make up for the not-so-excellent wind.  We also had a couple of protests that turned part of our protest meeting into, well, an actual protest meeting.  We also enjoyed welcoming the Cartwrights and some general horsing around including a rather humorous discovery.

Thanks to our Committee Boat volunteers Cindy Bartlett, Lisa Duret and Jim Riffle for an excellent job.  And to the “Brothers Gall”, John and Jackson, for setting up a course that was well suited to the wind.  And thanks to Kevin Preuss for organizing the race and Beth Auld for making sure our Committee Boat was so well staffed.

The pre-race wind was deader than a door nail. Those from the western end of the lake were fortunate to receive tows out to the main body. Then we sat there, wondering if we would have enough wind for a race.  But right on schedule, at the start of the race, a breeze appeared and allowed reasonable progression around the first, second and third marks. 

Sailors converge on the first mark which is right in front of the rainbow colored sail.  Its a "marks to starboard" race meaning you turn right to go around the mark. In this kind of congestion the rules are very important.  If you are overlapped with another boat within 3 boat lengths of the mark, you must give them "room at the mark" to squeeze between you and the mark.  If there is no overlap established within 3 boat lengths the squeezer is out of luck.  The boat just to the left of the rainbow colored sail did not have any overlap established, was not entitled to room-at-the-mark, but managed to squeeze through anyway without incident or protest.

Making steady progress toward the 3rd mark.
Then, we again sat motionless for long periods of time between the third (and last) mark and the finish line.  Those ahead of the pack were punished when the wind hit those behind first, a great equalizer.  However Jim Voelz and the Cartwrights were so far ahead that they still finished ahead of the rest of the pack. 
On the way to the finish line: After sitting motionless for a long period of time, you can see traces of a light wind rippling the water in a few streaks.  Jim Voelz in yellow in the foreground and the Catamaran with colorful sails on the left are finding themselves in the right place at the right time and will inch forward.  Most of the others will continue to sit.
 The Cartwrights had been ahead of Jim Voelz for most of the race, but Jim caught the resuscitated wind prior to the Cartwrights and slipped in first.  Jim Riffle on the Committee Boat credited the Cartwrights with being diplomatic by not crossing the finish line first in their first race with the club.  

After sitting motionless for so long on the way to the finish line, there was some uncertainty about attempting a second race.  The tempting wind (a.k.a. Lucy holding the football) showed up giving us renewed enthusiasm. 

Like Charlie Brown, we took the bait, started another race and again sat motionless while trying to round the third mark, and even longer on the way to the finish line. Good grief.

Despite the lack of robust wind, the second race was eventful, with three protests and a capsize.  Before we get to the events and protests, lets start with the finish and mention that Laura Garrett SMOKED the rest of the fleet.  The next-to-finish (on a handicapped basis) was her Dad Jim Voelz, also sailing a Laser and finishing six minutes behind her with a time thirty-eight percent longer than hers.  Wow!

Tom Schroeder got “whacked” by a rogue wind gust, or so he says (no one was watching), and capsized between the second and third marks.  Having equipped his boat with a line fastened at the point where the boom meets the mast he was able to get plenty of leverage while standing on the centerboard to right it without assistance and was back in the race in no time.

At the first mark, Jim Voelz and the Cartwrights were in close proximity and in the turn to round the mark, the Cartwrights made contact with Voelz invoking a protest. 

At the third mark, many boats were congregated in close quarters waiting for the wind to pick up. Jackson Gall did have a little momentum though, and squeezed between the catamaran and the marker flag causing catamaran captain Matt Bartlett to alter his course, thus invoking a protest. 

In sailboat racing the rules can be used to one’s advantage, but only if a sailor is willing to warn another sailor not to make a certain move, and/or to protest that move.  So warning calls to other boats and protests are just a part of sailboat racing and are usual and customary, and not abnormal (although newbie sailors are usually taken aback).  This is why sailboat races (not just at Grandview) are always followed by a “protest meeting” where final decisions are made about the protests to determine the outcome of the race.  We have been trying to encourage our sailors to file protests instead of being so accommodating and “letting things slide”.  Deciding protests is a way for us to learn the rules and incorporate them into our racing strategies.  So we were delighted to have a few protests to settle at the protest meeting.    In the first case we determined that Jim Voelz won the protest against the Cartwrights, although not for the reason he initially laid out which was that the Cartwrights had tacked from a port to a starboard tack without warning him while in close proximity.  We determined that the Cartwrights actually had the right of way since they were leeward (downwind) of Voelz and although turning, stayed on a starboard tack as was Voelz.  Nevertheless, since contact was imminent, a warning was called for and contact is to be avoided (but occurred).  Therefore the protest was decided in Voelz favor.
In the second protest, Matt Bartlett felt that "barging" or "room at the mark" was involved, and since he had to alter his course, thought Jackson Gall should have taken a penalty turn once notified of the protest, but did not.  We determined that based the "barging" or "room at the mark" rules were not applicable in this case, and that instead the leeward right of way rule would apply. Since Gall was leeward of Bartlett, he had the right of way, and had enough room to scoot through.  So this protest was decided in Gall’s favor. Just another day in sailboat racing.

In addition to resolving protests at the protest meeting, we also had an enjoyable time welcoming the Cartwrights to the sailing community.  And during protest adjudication, we tripped on an obscure rule in the official U.S. Sailing Association’s racing rule book.  It seems that over the years, creatively competitive and mischievous sailors have found ways to propel their boats forward faster in weird ways, resulting in equally weird rules.   Back in 2014 we were amused at Rule 42.2 (c) which prohibits “ooching” which is defined as sudden forward body movement, stopped abruptly (to move the boat forward, presumably with no wind).   Well at this protest meeting we discovered Rule 53 entitled “Skin Friction”.  It states that “a boat shall not eject or release a substance, such as a polymer, or have specially textured surfaces that could improve the character of the flow of water inside the boundary layer”.  So rest assured that we are well aware of the rules related to ooching and skin friction and encourage protests of any rule infractions!

Thanks to Wayne and Arlene Truex for hosting us for the protest meeting after the race.

Race Results:
1st Race (Trophy Race)
Laser Class:
1st Jim Voelz, 2nd Kevin Preuss, 3rd Laura Garrett, 4th Jackson Gall, 5th Dianne Fisher
Butterfly Class:
1st Peggy Voelz, 2nd Sherri Agnew
International Class (on a handicapped basis):
1st Tom Schroeder, 2nd Tom & Sarah Cartwright, 3rd Matt Bartlett/Arlene Truex, 4th John Gall/Erin Gall
Overall (on a handicapped basis, not for scoring, just for fun):
1st Jim Voelz, 2nd Peggy Voelz, 3rd Sherri Agnew, 4th Kevin Preuss, 5th Laura Garrett, 6th Jackson Gall, 7th Tom Schroeder, 8th Tom & Sarah Cartwright, 9th Dianne Fisher, 10th Matt Bartlett/Arlene Truex, 11th John Gall/Erin Gall

2nd Race
Laser Class:
1st Laura Garrett, 2nd Jim Voelz, 3rd Kevin Preuss, 4th Dianne Fisher, 5th Jackson Gall
Butterfly Class:
1st Peggy Voelz, 2nd Sherri Agnew
International Class: (on a handicapped basis)
1st John Gall, 2nd Matt Bartlett/Arlene Truex, 3rd Tom Schroeder
Overall (on a handicapped basis, not for scoring, just for fun):
1st Laura Garrett, 2nd Jim Voelz, 3rd Kevin Preuss, 4th John Gall/Erin Gall, 5th Peggy Voelz, 6th Dianne Fisher, 7th Sherri Agnew, 8th Matt Bartlett/Arlene Truex, 9th Tom Schroeder 10th Jackson Gall.

Our next race is Sunday, September 18th at 2pm.



(photo courtesy of Ben Hicks)
Enthusiastic gathering:  Delighted with great weather for this holiday weekend,  lot owners gathered at Matt & Cindy Bartlett’s and enjoyed their fine waterfront venue for the last big gathering of the summer season.  We are particularly grateful for their willingness to host us shortly after moving here despite being in the middle of a big remodel (looks great!) and not sure it would be done.   Thanks also to the Kromes who provided parking space since the Bartlett’s new driveway had just been poured. 
Newcomers welcomed:  We were pleased to introduce some new faces we hope to keep seeing at our events (and out on the race course):  Welcome Tom & Sarah Cartwright (Lot 7), Mark Cassidy & Dianne Fisher (Lot 135), and Ken & Colleen Rogoski (Lot123A).
Volunteers Emerge: A request for breakfast hosts for 2017 during announcements was met with much welcomed enthusiasm!  Steve &Marisa Willment volunteered for Memorial Day, and Mark Cassidy & Dianne Fisher for July 4th.   Steve & Vicki Zeller had already volunteered for Labor Day.  So, all of those still wanting to host an event,  we are still in need of hosts for the coming 2017 Spring Social, or we will gladly reserve one of the 2018 events for you!
Labors recognized:  In the spirit of Labor Day we recognized the association and sewer board members and committee and project volunteers whose significant labors we have to thank for our enjoyment of Grandview Lake.

GYC Leadership announcement:  We also applauded the results of all of Mimi Riffle’s enthusiastic efforts to make Grandview Lake a better place as she completes her eighth and final year as secretary/treasurer of the Grandview Yacht Club.   Mimi reminded us that those hosting the various Grandview gatherings, as well as those that attend them, have made Grandview a welcoming and tight community.    And we thanked Lisa Duret, who has volunteered to succeed Mimi as secretary treasurer of the club, a repeat performance for Lisa in this role. 


EXCITING RESPITE FROM THE DOG DAYS: (& How to Lasso a Catamaran) August 21st Race Report

Photos courtesy of Kate Edelman and Jack and Sandi Miller (but not the one above!)

Steady winds, pleasant temperatures and low humidity made for an ideal day of racing.  Seventeen sailors in twelve sailboats, supported by eight Committee and Rescue Boat volunteers found the weather for participating in a sailing race to be irresistible, and cast off with vigor from their docks.  We welcomed guest crew Brian Edelman who crewed for Tom Schroeder, and welcomed back Erin Gall who crewed for John Gall. 
John Gall and Erin Gall in M-Scow

Visitor Brian, unfamiliar with the demonic Grandview wind,  inadvertently tempted it by "high fiving" Tom after crossing the finish line ("high five syndrome"), but fortunately for them, the wind was focusing it's punishment on others. 

Tom and Brian after start of 1st race

With winds of about 12-15 mph that never really let up, and with few if any “dead spots”  on the lake, we had very few “wind orphans” (stragglers) bemoaning their poor fortune or poor wind-reading skill.  That meant twelve sailboats were in relatively close proximity for much of the race.  So close in fact that a cacophony of shouts were cast from one boat to another about matters of right-of-way.  Some shouts were urgent (right-of-way RIGHT AWAY!), and some were not even uttered because… it was too late.   
Close quarters: Sherri and Kevin are in the foreground.  Kevin yields to Sherri since he is on a port tack and does not have right of way. Sherri (blue sails), keeping a close eye on Kevin, is downwind of the boat in the background (John Auld and Paul Hass) and therefore has right of way over them as well.

There was some fiberglass to fiberglass contact in several cases.  It’s a bit disconcerting to find someone’s bow creeping up on top of the back of your boat along your tiller, or find that one of the pointed protruding pontoons of the swift catamaran has hooked your main-sheet and is running away with you (more on that later).  And we had a couple of protests – could have had a lot more if everyone weren’t so accommodating.  One protest was dropped and one became moot when the alleged perpetrator decided to take their 360 degree penalty turn on the vertical plane by pointing the top of their mast down toward "Davy Jones’ locker" (a nautical term meaning bottom of the lake), but without enough follow-through to have it keep going the full 360 degrees and point back up toward the GPS satellites again (more on that later also).

 The start/finish line was kind of tricky.  Most sailors start with the wind coming over their starboard side since that gives them the right of way over any boat with wind coming over the port side.  But that meant you had to sail nearly parallel to the line in order not to aim so close to the wind that you lost the wind in your sails.  That also meant that you had to aim right at the Committee Boat (which forms the other end of the starting line) and hope you could clear it.  Same thing for the finish.  That’s why you’ll see lots of pictures of boats aimed straight at the photographer on the Committee Boat (that would be Kate Edelman, a guest who is an experienced crew, and therefore fearless enough not to flinch – thanks Kate for the excellent photos!).   If not for all the other boats, it was tempting to start the race on a faster port tack instead, with no right of way, but maybe a better chance of getting across the line and out ahead.  Once over the starting line one could, theoretically, quickly “come about” (turn quickly at least 45 degrees. such that the wind is coming across the other side of the boat) to be on a starboard tack.  A boat or two chose this strategy, heading the other way, on a port tack, without the right of way, and scaring the barnacles off the boats heading your way in the pictures.  
The boats coming toward you are running almost parallel to the starting line, aimed at the Committee Boat.  The bow on the far right is Catey & Elizabeth Hale on a faster port tack without the right of way, hoping to turn to a starboard tack at the last minute to be back in right of way position again, AND to be downwind of the others, and therefore with the right of way over all of them.  Lets watch their next move...
The Hales in the foreground are just starting to come about to a starboard tack.  They haven't caused anyone to change course yet, but you can bet the boats to the left of them are yelling "Starboard"! to inform Catey she must yield.  Catey will yell back "Stay your course!" to let them know she will turn to avoid them.  She does not want them to alter their course because then they would have grounds for a protest against her.

Laura finds herself again trying to catch her Dad (in the background) after the start.

Likewise at the finish, many found themselves heading straight at the Committee Boat.   Some cleared it and some had to “come about” when they realized they just couldn’t make it without taking a final turn (slowing them down).

John Auld and Paul Hass are trying to finish, aimed right at the Committee Boat (one end of the finish line).  They hope to clear the Committee Boat so they don't have to "come about" which would cost them a few seconds. Can they make it?

No, they couldn't clear the Committee Boat,  so now they are "coming about" and will have to finish on a port tack. 

As you can tell from Paul's expression, they are happy to have finished well, winning first in the International Class in the first race and second overall behind Jim Voelz on a handicapped basis.  Grizzled Grandview veterans they are, and having won the "Booby Prize" once (long, long,  ago) for having succumbed to "high five syndrome" and capsizing,  they are keeping their cool and staying in control.
Here, Tom and Brian are also trying to clear the Committee Boat at the finish, but realize they cannot.  So Tom has just shouted to Brian his crew to "prepare to come about!".   They are going to turn sharply to starboard (right).  Do you notice the problem with that strategy?  They were oblivious.  When they turned, they could have collided with Laura who is coming up fast behind them on their right.  But Laura with lighting-fast reflexes avoided them by swerving.  However, Tom and Brian are downwind of Laura, and it appears have the right of way over her (whether they realize it or not).  Although there was no protest, with this photo we now have an interesting topic of discussion for a future Protest Meeting.

As you can see from the smile on Kevin's face, he is able to clear the Committee Boat without turning, saving himself a few seconds.

As you can tell by the pictures, the Committee Boat is the best spot to observe the race; it's practically like being in the sailboats.    

Two Y-Flyers speed across the starting line

Jackson Gall looks like he'll make it without hitting the Committee Boat

On this particular Sunday, the perfect weather created a perfect storm when the boats were crossing the finish line.   
 With so many boats and with everyone finishing so close together, it was difficult to find the right row on the pre-printed race sheet and record the time fast enough before the next boat crossed the line.  All while still trying to finish one’s lunch!   

Jack prepares to dine after the start of the race

On that score we received the following report from volunteer Gretchen Fisher:

 “It was a fun, fast, exciting time! We all thought we needed a "Delay for Dinner" Flag - thanks to the good wind and great sailors, we all had indigestion from inhaling our food! The menu consisted of BBQ Chicken and Cheese Sliders/ Caprese Salad (sliced tomatoes, sliced fresh mozzarella, fresh basil, olive oil)/Deviled eggs/Potato Chips/Lemon Bars with coconut.”

And this is the second time the idea of a “delay finishing until we have finished our lunch”-signal flag has been proposed.   We will discuss this at a future protest meeting with the same level of serious consideration we gave it the first time.  In the meantime, our thanks to our fine Committee Boat volunteer crew of Jack and Sandi Miller, Steve and Gretchen Fisher, and guests Ed Deeters and Kate Edelman. They executed their duties flawlessly and provided us with GREAT pictures.  Thanks also to rescue boat volunteers Jim and Mimi Riffle who were kept busy as you’ll see.   And thanks to Kevin Preuss for organizing the race and Beth Auld for making sure our Committee Boat was so well staffed.

It was an exciting day on the Committee Boat

Before we get to the mishaps, regarding the races themselves:  In the first race Jim Voelz in the Laser Class, and John Auld and crew Paul Hass in the International class, had impressive wins in their respective classes.  On a handicapped basis it was Jim Voelz way ahead, with Kevin Preuss edging out John Auld and Paul Hass for second.

Jim Voelz wins first overall and in the Laser class.

In the second race Jim Voelz in the Laser Class and Matt Bartlett and crew Dianne Fisher in the International class had impressive wins in their classes.   

Matt and Dianne had a great 2nd race.

In addition to being the only one in the Butterfly class, and therefore its winner, Sherri Agnew came in third overall on a handicapped basis.  Jim Voelz came in first about 26 handicapped seconds ahead of Matt Bartlett and Dianne Fisher who came in second on a handicapped basis.
Sherri also had a great 2nd race.

Most of the mishaps occurred in the second race.  At the start, Jim Voelz caught himself a catamaran with his main-sheet.   A “main-sheet” is the line that controls the main sail. When your boom is extended way out beyond your hull like Jim’s probably was, the line will also be out there sort of like a lasso. Just as the race was about to start, Matt Bartlett and crew Dianne Fisher accidentally hooked the main-sheet of Jim Voelz’ s Laser with the tip of their pontoon, which was pretty inconvenient for both of them and for those sailors who were counting on them moving forward, rather than staying stationary.   It all got cleared up seconds after the start.  It would have been a fun protest to judge, but none was registered.

At the end of the second race after rounding the last mark, and in a fast dash for the finish, Kevin Preuss felt that Catey Hale’s boat had not yielded the right of way, causing him to alter course.  So Kevin yelled to Catey that he was protesting.  Once such a declaration is made, the other boat, if they are guilty, or don’t want to roll the dice on the outcome (and potential disqualification), does a 360 degree penalty turn when clear of all other boats.   Although Kevin expected Catey to execute such a turn, he was amazed when it appeared she attempted to roll her boat 360 degrees under water instead of on the water. Catey’s crew, daughter Elizabeth, was equally amazed.  Kevin reported that her eyes were as big as saucers as the boat capsized and “turtled” (a nautical term for the bottom of the boat pointing toward the sky, looking like a turtle’s shell).   This happens in racing all the time, especially to Lasers which flip over as easily as dominoes, but are equally easy to turn back upright.  Y-flyers are a little more difficult to right though.  Standing on the centerboard you must have plenty of weight and leverage to pull it back over.  Well, Catey and Elizabeth together were far short of the needed weight. So a number of folks came to their aid which is best described by Catey who sent the following contribution to the blog:

Catey and Elizabeth Hale would like to express, with enormous gratitude, our thanks to the many GYC members who aided and helped us during our unfortunate capsizing calamity!  Throughout the entire ordeal, we never felt in danger or at risk... well, except for daughter Elizabeth, who was certain, for at least one second, that her end was near, because people arrived immediately to offer guidance, assurance and much needed physical help.  We would like to specifically thank Bob Orben for immediately coming to our aid and providing words of encouragement; Lance Snider and Paul Hass for jumping in and using their knowledge, experience, and strength to right our boat; and to Bianca Snider and John Auld for bravely donating their crew, forcing them, meanwhile, to sail singlehandedly in heavy winds; and finally Jim and Mimi Riffle for towing us, wet and a bit discouraged, back to our lot.  Thanks also to our Grandview neighbor, with whom we are unfamiliar, for coming over in his pontoon boat to lend assistance and retrieve various of our articles that floated away from the boat.   Chained to his desk in Indy on Sunday, Doug was so sorry to have missed this event (for a variety of reasons), but has asked me to extend his thanks also.  How nice to be a part of such a caring and generous community of people!  Thank you!
Catey and Elizabeth making a wake in the Y-Flyer

And, speaking of our community, we had a fine time at the Protest Meeting at the Truex’s after the race with lots to re-live from the various vantage points represented.   We were concerned about Lance and Bianca Snider’s well-being after they spent a bit of time locked by the wind near the dam after their contribution to the Hale recovery effort.  They were under the watchful eye of the Safety Patrol boat ready to help if asked (Thanks!).  We have since heard all was well with them and there was no cause for concern.  Thanks Wayne and Arlene for hosting us again.

Lance and Bianca in their Y-Flyer

Race Results 1st Race:
Laser Class: 1st Jim Voelz, 2nd Kevin Preuss, 3rd Laura Garrett, 4th Steve Willment.
Butterfly Class:  1st Sherri Agnew
International Class (on handicapped basis) 1st John Auld/Paul Hass, 2nd Tom Schroeder/Brian Edelman, 3rd Catey & Elizabeth Hale, 4th Matt Bartlett, Dianne Fisher, 5th Lance & Bianca Snider, 6th John Gall/Erin Gall.
Overall on a handicapped basis (not for scoring): 1st Jim Voelz, 2nd Kevin Preuss, 3rd John Auld/Paul Hass, 4th, Tom Schroeder/Brian Edelman, 5th Laura Garrett, 6th Catey & Elizabeth Hale, 7th Matt Bartlett, Dianne Fisher, 8th Lance & Bianca Snider, 9th Sherri Agnew, 10th Steve Willment, 11th John Gall/Erin Gall

Race Results 2nd
Laser Class: 1st Jim Voelz, 2nd Kevin Preuss, 3rd Laura Garrett, 4th Jackson Gall, 5th Steve Willment.
Butterfly Class:  1st Sherri Agnew
International Class (on handicapped basis) 1st Matt Bartlett, Dianne Fisher, 2nd Tom Schroeder/Brian Edelman, 4th John Auld/Paul Hass, 5th John Gall/Erin Gall
Overall on a handicapped basis (not for scoring): 1st Jim Voelz, 2nd Matt Bartlett/Dianne Fisher, 3rd Sherri Agnew, 4th Kevin Preuss, 5th Tom Schroeder/Brian Edelman, 6th Laura Garrett, 7th Lance & Bianca Snider, 8th Jackson Gall, 9th John Auld/Paul Hass, 10th John Gall/Erin Gall, 11th Steve Willment.  

Our next race is after Labor Day weekend on September 11th, The “Labor Day Trophy Race" (we haven't been holding races on holiday weekend lately).