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At the Willments waterfront photo above and photo below:  taking a moment to honor those who died in service of our country

During the Memorial Day breakfast at Steve & Marisa Willment’s beautiful lakefront, a large gathering of lot owners and their families and friends stopped for a moment and honored those who have died or were wounded protecting our freedom and that of others.  And since we don’t have a Veterans Day breakfast, we also recognized those attendees who served in the military.  We enjoyed socializing in great weather over coffee and many delicious treats.  In addition we introduced new lot owners to those gathered.  Thanks very much to Steve and Marisa for hosting us.

They are very hard to keep up with.  So where do you put their name tags?

Think they'll be still long enough to read them?
We do still need hosts for all of the 2018 breakfasts as well as the Spring Social which are important to the Grandview Lake community. Contact Tom Schroeder at 317-873-1637, or  if you are interested or have questions.

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