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(lots of photos courtesy of Julia Schroeder)

T-Shirts, Sandals and Sunglasses Replace Jackets, Dresses and Ties

We tried a fresh approach to our season finale. Instead of the traditional indoor, evening, dress-up sit-down dinner banquet held one month after the last race, we tried a very casual afternoon event overlooking the lake immediately after the last race of the season (see separate race report following this post).  As usual, all GYC sailing and social members were welcome.   It was a protest meeting (“bring a snack to share”), but with a different agenda: to recognize volunteers and award trophies.  It was held as usual on the Truex’s spacious patio.  The weather was perfect.  

We would appreciate any feedback on this approach from both sailing and social members, especially those who have attended the traditional banquets in the past. You can comment anonymously by clicking on the comment icon at the bottom of this post and choosing "anonymous".  One thing is for sure, and that is the background to the photos is much better (as you will see)!

Sailboat racing is alive and well!  Fun Facts about participation in the 2014 Season

We shared some statistics from the past season:
·         We welcomed 7 new sailors – that’s 2 more than last year and about the same as our banner year of 2012.  Our newest sailors are: Sherri Agnew, Chris Braun, John Cord, Ross Kunkler, Alison Tadd, Steve Tadd and Steve Willment.
·         44 different individuals participated in our races as captain, crew or volunteer.
·         Our sailor roster for 2014 was 29 sailors
·         We had 16 committee boat volunteers, many of whom served multiple times.
·         We averaged 11 boats per race with a high of 14 boats
·         We added 4 boats to the fleet this year, and retired one for a net of 3 more boats.
·         We averaged 16 sailors per race and 4 committee boat volunteers per race.
·         We had 14 individual races.
·         We have roughly 3 generations of sailors represented at every race, matching wits, skill, experience, ...and other attributes.

Lots of People Recognized for Contributing to a Great Season:  
We recognized and thanked:
·         Wayne and Arlene Truex for hosting this and all the other protest meetings this season, and for storing & putting out equipment, rigging several boats at their dock for each race,  and being the general meeting place and still the “Home Port” of the GYC.
·         Kevin Preuss and Lisa Duret for hosting the pre-season Sailors and Volunteers Organizational Meeting.
·         John and Beth Auld and family  for hosting the Spring Social
·         Sailors/Volunteers of the Grandview Yacht Club for hosting the Memorial Day Breakfast
·         Dan and Judy Hoyt and family for hosting the July 4th Breakfast
·         Max Henry for organizing and conducting the Kayak Race
·         Brad and Carole Arthur and family for hosting the Labor Day Breakfast
·         Committee Boat Volunteers Beth Auld, Chris Braun, Lisa Duret, Steve & Gretchen Fisher, Ross Kunkler, Maura Leonard, Nicki Leonard, Riley Leonard, Dave McAlister, Jack Miller, Sandi Miller, Donna Mount, Bob Orben, Jeff Rucker, Susan Rucker, Mimi Riffle, Katie Townsend, Arlene Truex, and Jim Voelz.
Jack and Sandi (above) were a couple of many who volunteered on Committee Boat.  See that person sitting in the chair between Jack and Sandi?  He is  there, you just may not be able to see him.  Anyway, he will get an award later.  
Donna (below) also volunteered.
....and so did Lisa

Riley sailed, and helped on the Committee Boat
·         Good Samaritans who helped sailors recover from capsizes and equipment malfunctions: John Auld, Rob Bonebrake,  Paul Haas, and Wayne & Arlene Truex.
Tom gives out candy to "Good Samaritans" including LifeSavers of course.  Arlene chose the chocolate mint, even though Wayne preferred the chocolate covered cherries.
·         Tom Schroeder for his role as Commodore,
·         Mimi Riffle (Secretary/Treasurer) for Soliciting memberships at every event, recruiting hosts for our events, arranging for the  trophies, serving on committee boat nearly every race and helping with any and everything.
It was also Mimi's birthday. Arlene baked a cake and we sang.
·         Beth Auld (Committee Boat Chair) for recruiting volunteers, serving on committee boat many, many times this year, raising money and promoting pride in Grandview Lake with T-shirts sales.  She (and John Auld) made our trophies this year, and she helps with any and everything.
Beth with one of the trophies she and John made.  And guess who won this one....John did!  Keep reading and find out how well he did.  Hint:  Pretty darn well!
·         Kevin Preuss (Race Chairman) for organizing all the races and offering help on any and everything.
Tom, Mimi and Kevin
·         Spouses, Jim Riffle, Julia Schroeder, John Auld, and Lisa Duret who participate in all of the above.

Moving Tribute to a Competitor Triggers a Free-for-all of Testimonials
·         Bob Orben asked to speak, and shared a moving (no dry eyes) and much appreciated tribute to his competitor of 24 years, fellow “Skipper Emeritus” Wayne Truex.  The tribute was triggered by the end-of-season change in ownership of Truex’s Y-Flyer to Catey Hale.
Bob seizes the opportunity to ask for the floor to make a tribute
o   Side note:  Some of the sailboats in the GYC fleet have acquired a “lineage” and “pedigree” at Grandview Lake, particularly these two Y-Flyers.  The Orbens acquired their Y-Flyer from GYC racing legend Joe Voelz, and upon Bob retiring as skipper, transferred ownership to John Auld, who sailing that vessel, was last year’s GYC Champion.   The Truexs acquired their Y-Flyer from another GYC racing legend, John Sohn. With the recent transfer of ownership to skilled sailor Catey Hale, this sets up more great races between those two legendary Y-Flyers with very skilled sailors, and with skilled sailor Dick Pitman and his Y-Flyer which is a more “recent” addition to the GYC fleet.  
Even off the race course, GYC Members are not shy:  Bob’s tribute  triggered a series of “testimonials” from and about various participants, and the club itself.  Some well-kept secrets were humorously revealed. 
Sherri reveals Tom's secret race strategy advice - "Just do what Jim Voelz does"... (but do that better than I do!)
By the time everyone had their say, it was apparent that the camaraderie and competition of the Grandview Yacht Club is very much enjoyed.   

Racing Trophies Awarded

Holiday Trophies
Since the Club is over 50 years old, we are running out of room for names on our treasured historic trophies as you will see...

·         “Memorial Day” Race Trophy- Andy Jennings (Andy: Paul Hass and John Auld have graciously offered to attempt to  add another "layer" to your trophy so that we have room for more names.  We hope to have it to you soon!)
·         “July 4th” Race Trophy - Peggy Voelz
Peggy with July 4th Tophy (we are running out of room for winner's names! Any ideas?)
Crewman Paul Hass accepts Labor Day Trophy on behalf of John Auld. Wayne and Arlene donated this trophy about 5 years ago, allowing us to re-purpose the ugly chamber pot trophy as a "Booby Prize" (keep reading).   Plenty of room for more winners names on this one.
·         “Labor Day” Race  Trophy:  John Auld

Crew Awards
1st Place Crewman Paul Hass.  Wife Julie looks on.
1st Place: Paul Hass
·         2nd Place: Arlene Truex
Arlene with captain, Jim, looking on
·         3rd Place: Ross Kunkler

Butterfly Class
·         1st Place: Peggy Voelz
1st Place in Butterfly Class, Peggy Voelz
·         2nd Place (Tie) Sherri Agnew
·         2nd Place (Tie) Laura Garrett
Sherri and Laura tie for 2nd in Butterfly Class. Laura's little one will be competing before you know it and is learning how to graciously accept awards.  Grandad will give a lesson in a moment...
Laser Class
·         1st Place: Jim Voelz
Jim Voelz accepts 1st Place Laser Class Trophy from Mimi
·         2nd Place: Tom Jennings
·         3rd Place: Kevin Preuss
Kevin doesn't know it, but he has another trophy coming....
International Class
·         1st Place: John Auld
·         2nd Place: Tom Schroeder
(with acknowledgement to Catey Hale and Ross Kunkler for the points they earned for him by taking the helm)
·         3rd Place: Jim Riffle
Jim accepts Trophy...lovingly awarded!
Rookie of the year – A tie based on points:
A great start!
·         Sherri Agnew
·         Ross Kunkler

Ghost Sailor of the Year
(This tall, ornate, heavy, and transparent trophy is awarded to the sailor who was physically absent from the most races, but was there “in spirit”):  The Winner is....
·       Chris Braun!
Tom displays the "Ghost Sailor" of the year trophy won by Chris Braun.  Chris is sure to participate in many more races than he did this year now that his Laser is "ship-shape".  Display it proudly Chris!
 Note:  This is the first year that the "Ghost Sailor" award was not in some way associated with Larry Olson's old Laser.

  Booby Prize  (this historically important ugly white porcelain chamber-pot mounted on a pedestal is now awarded to the sailor(s) or volunteer(s) who experienced some sort of noteworthy mishap, perhaps through no fault of their own.  The winner is no longer required to drink from the pot):
The winner is Kevin Preuss for making sailboat racing a “blood sport” (after hitting his head on the centerboard he unknowingly returned from the race with his face covered with blood).
Trophy too graphic for internet - at least on this site

SEASON CHAMPION (more points earned than any other sailor)
Jim Voelz
2014 SEASON CHAMPION JIM VOELZ (With Champion-in-training)
(This trophy will need another "layer" for more names as well) 

Again we would appreciate your feedback on the format of the season finale.  Do you see the "#comments" item below the last paragraph?  Click on it.  Choose "anonymous".  Thanks.
...and the sun sets on another great season of competition and camaraderie at Grandview Lake......

All are welcome to come sail with us next season!  Are you going to be a new sailor and want to study up over the off-season?  Contact Tom Schroeder to check out the best beginner sailing book we are aware of, and obtain a copy of our GYC orientation materials.  It will be a long winter.


Grandview Yacht Club said...

Write your comment in the space below. Then choose "anonymous" from the menu. We won't publish individual feedback on the format of the season finale, but will all take all comments into consideration when planning for next year. Thanks

Lance Snider said...

Very nice report! Thanks to all who contributed to a beautiful racing season!