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(photos courtesy of Lisa Duret)
Another race day with rare, near-perfect non-native wind.  The ten sailors who dared the dismal looking, damp,  cool, misty weather were well rewarded with excellent sailing.  And power-boaters took our recent request to "give us a little more room please" a little too seriously - they kept their boats at their docks - Grandview folks are so polite!   Perhaps we should have had three races? 
Dave & Candy McClean and Beth Auld brave the weather

We welcomed Dave and Candy McClean as first time, bundled-up Committee Boat volunteers learning the ropes from Beth Auld.  They did a fine job of it, much appreciated by our sailors. Welcome Dave and Candy, and thanks to you and Beth!  We’ll get a new starting horn for you all PDQ.    In addition to the GLOA safety patrol, Wayne Truex and Lisa Duret monitored the race from Riffle's pontoon, ready to help any cold capsizees.

And what was Jim Voelz doing as captain of Schroeder's JY-15 instead of his Laser?  It may have been to prove once again that its not the boat that is the problem.  Or it may have been punishment for forgetting to plant the yellow flag to indicate the desired position of the Committee Boat.   But he set up a fine course for the visiting West-Southwest wind (thanks!).  The wind was just a bit less consistent, than that of the last race - sort of like having a West Texas “twang” rather than the somewhat more soothing “drawl” of the May 17th race’s Southeast wind. We are hoping these well-mannered winds stay for a while and that our unpredictable Grandview wind continues to enjoy its visit to Tasmania at the family reunion of its ill-mannered ancestors (click here to read about them).  Marks were to the starboard side for a change, with the appropriate green directional flag planted between the starting line and the first mark (subliminal reinforcement of our race course conventions to those of you that missed the refresher course). 

Thanks to everyone who helped make the race possible including appropriately gung-ho Race Chairman Kevin Preuss, who didn’t just take one look at the weather, cancel the race, roll over and go back to sleep.  Arrrrr...   By the way, speaking of hearty sailors, did you read in the Grandview history book about the kinds of races conducted here at Grandview in days of yore?  And that they raced into November?  Arrrrr...they knew when to fine good winds....and how to "handicap" a race!

Our sailors are getting good at timing the start.  It was a narrow starting line, but all squeezed through fairly close together for an “all-clear” start in the first race.  The race into the wind to the first mark depended on reading the wind well.  It shifted a bit, but the topography also had a lot to do with the best course. Jim Voelz had his notes handy from reading up on the best sail trim for the JY-15.  Since the JY-15 has an identical handicap to a Laser, and this was the belated Memorial Day "Trophy Race", he and Tom were keeping a close eye on Laser sailors Tom Jennings and Kevin Preuss.  They were first to the first mark and never lost the lead.  Tom Jennings was in contention but Kevin Preuss chose a better wind-favored course and was second coming around the first mark. 
Far right Voelz/Schroeder in JY-15round mark 1st.
Jim Riffle and Arlene Truex also had a strong showing.  All finished the race in the order just mentioned.  John Auld and crew Paul Hass in the Y-Flyer, and Laura Garrett and Peggy Voelz each in their own Butterfly provided an exciting finish.  Laura looked like she would be the first of the three boats to cross, but Auld/Hass came about at just the right time to be favored by the wind, beating stocking-hat-attired Laura to the finish line.  Peggy was very close behind, and it looked for a moment like she had a chance to beat Laura.  But the wind was not her friend and hung her up right at the finish line for a full minute or so.

Tom Jennings chose the best course to the first mark in the second race and never lost the lead. He was followed closely the entire race by Jim Riffle and Arlene Truex in the swift Hobie.  Jim and Arlene almost overtook Tom as the approached the finish, but Tom prevailed.  This, despite Jim and Arlene spending some time using their leeward right of way to send Voelz/Schroeder off their desired course approaching the third mark.  Since Voelz/Schroeder in the JY15 are in the same class as Riffle/Truex in the Hobie, for scoring purposes the competition between those two boats was far more important to them than vs. Tom Jennings in his Laser-class boat.

Riffle/Truex (colored sail) uses right of way to force Voelz/Schroeder off their desired course to 3rd Mark.  They are only inches apart.  This is all part of sailboat racing that the sailors understand. We have fun re-living such aspect of each race at the "protest meeting" after each race.
Amongst the Butterfly sailboats, this time Peggy Voelz beat Laura Garrett (and on a handicapped basis they were 1st and 2nd of the entire field) followed by Y-Flyer sailors John Auld and Paul Hass.  There were plenty of right of way encounters in both races with “starboard” and “room at the mark” being yelled a number of times.   

Sailors, volunteers, and other race observers are encouraged to add their version of these events and to, correct, comment or otherwise add some salt to this report by using the comment feature below.  After all this report came from only one very biased vantage point in the race, and yours might have been better!

We enjoyed the first “protest meeting” of the year at the Truex’s (all participants including our honored volunteers are welcome).   As usual much of the scuttlebutt doesn’t make it to the blog, so you’ll have to join us to have fully participated! Thanks to Wayne and Arlene for their hospitality and having us inside and warm.

First (Trophy Race) Results: 
Laser Class:  Kevin Preuss 1st, Tom Jennings 2nd.
Butterfly Class:  Laura Garret 1st, Peggy Voelz 2nd.
International Class (on a handicapped basis!!!):  Jim Voelz/Tom Schroeder 1st, Jim Riffle/Arlene Truex 2nd, John Auld/Paul Hass 3rd.
Overall Handicapped Results (not for scoring):  Jim Voelz/Schroeder 1st, Kevin Preuss 2nd, Laura Garrett 3rd, Tom Jennings 4th, Peggy Voelz 5th, Jim Riffle/Arlene Truex 6th, John Auld/Paul Hass 7th.

Second Race Results:
Laser Class: Tom Jennings 1st, Kevin Preuss 2nd,
Butterfly Class: Peggy Voelz 1st, Laura Garrett 2nd.
International Class (on a handicapped basis!!!):  Jim Voelz/Tom Schroeder 1st, Jim Riffle/Arlene Truex 2nd, John Auld/Paul Hass 3rd.
Overall Handicapped Results (not for scoring):  Peggy Voelz 1st, Laura Garrett 2nd, Tom Jennings 3rd, Jim Voelz/Schroeder 4th, Kevin Preuss 5th, Jim Riffle/Arlene Truex 6th, John Auld/Paul Hass 7th.

The next race is scheduled for June 14th (also Flag Day, FYI).
Thanks again to our volunteers mentioned above!

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